
Chinese Medicine

Chinese Medicine


    The development strategy of the company is to build a modern Chinese medicine production and manufacturing center with CMO-CDMO function and a technologically advanced CRO-CMO Chinese medicine innovation technology incubation center in Chongqing International Biological City, fully leveraging the integration of MAH system resources, quickly gathering MAH holding varieties of Chinese medicine with clinical advantages and market potential, and building a leading Chinese medicine innovation platform in Chongqing.

    After the platform is completed, the production and manufacturing center can undertake traditional Chinese medicine MAH products; Traditional Chinese medicine preparations for medical institutions; Prescription preparations for medical institutions; Processing of traditional Chinese medicine; Production business such as health products; The incubation center provides comprehensive technical services and guarantees throughout the entire lifecycle of drug development. Can provide the development of new Chinese medicine drugs; Development of classic and famous prescriptions of traditional Chinese medicine; Development of traditional Chinese medicine preparations in medical institutions; Research on variety change and re evaluation of listed traditional Chinese patent medicines and simple preparations and medical institution preparations; CDMO services for traditional Chinese medicine varieties; Real world research; Pharmacovigilance; Services such as the development of traditional Chinese medicine related health products.

